Monday, October 14, 2013

OOTD - Job Addition.

I wanted to post some of my OOTD - outfit of the day for the upcoming weeks. I know I always get SO much fashion inspiration browsing through my friend's and stranger's OOTD posts.

They aren't the best pictures and I made my brother, Stephen take them before I switched in to my PJS.

The skirt is a tweed pencil with warm fall maroons and browns. It's from Banana Republic. The shirt is a plain gray tee with pearl embellishments also from Banana Republic (seeing a trend?). The boots are Tory Burch and the jacket is J. Crew. I am in love with this jacket. It's the perfect mix of east coast prep and structure with west coast casual and the hood is a nice touch. The sweater is also from Banana Republic and being that it is short sleeved, it makes for the perfect Cali fall sweater. 

Keep an eye out for my OOTD posts this week and  updates on my new career! 


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